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HomeMentor/Mentee Program

OCAPL has supported the OU Energy Management Program throughout its history. The program actually dates back to 1958, when a small group of oil executives and representatives of OU met in the home of William M. Majors Jr., president of Cal-Ray Petroleum of Oklahoma City. Horace Brown, then dean of the OU College of Business Administration, announced the decision to start a degree program in petroleum land management, because there was no similar education program anywhere.  In 2001, Ted Jacobs, the Director of the Program at that time, made a proposal to OCAPL to start the William M. Majors Jr., Mentoring Program.  Pairing members of OCAPL with current program students for mentoring and support, the proposal was unanimously accepted and students have been benefitting from the program since.  

Today, OCAPL and OERB collaborate to fund several mentor/mentee speaker luncheons and social functions throughout the schoolyear.  

If you would like to be a Mentor or need more information, please contact NICK WATKINS OR RAY WINKLEJOHN 

Please click the following to view helpful tips from the AAPL:
Tips for Mentees
Tips for Mentors

Oklahoma City Association of Professional Landmen
P.O. Box 18714
Oklahoma City, OK 73154